Factory Built Homes, Codes & Inspections
Factory Built Homes, Codes & Inspections
Living in a Manufactured Housing Community
Two Major Categories
Factory built homes fall into two major categories: manufactured and modular. What differentiates homes that originate in a factory are the codes or regulations to which they are built. The building code sets the requirements for every element of these homes.
When a local codes enforcement official approve a set of plans and inspects a site built home, he or she is looking to see that the home was constructed to the requirements of the New York state building code.
Modular homes are also built to the same standards as the New York state building code. Before a factory can start producing homes, a state architect or engineer reviews all the proposed plans and quality control measures, including the people who will be involved in the quality control program inside the factory. These measures are taken to ensure that the homes produced meet the standards set forth by the state building code.
When the factory starts producing homes, a third-party inspector who is not an employee of the manufacturer is on-site. The third party inspector’s job is to make sure that the plans and controls that were put in place prior to the production are carried out. Once the home is completed, a New York state insignia is attached.
Manufactured homes are built to a national standard; the code set forth by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This is a national code, although it is adjusted to account for regional climate conditions.
As with modular homes, before a factory can produce homes for sale, all work stations, personnel and procedures for quality control and compliance must be documented and approved. With HUD-code homes, the approval is done by a third-party professional.
A different third-party inspector must then inspect the homes, once the factory starts production, to assure that the quality control measures and compliance are being met. Once satisfied that all measures are met, the inspector attached the HUD certification to the home.