73rd Annual Convention & Trade Show
October 18 & 19, 2023 - Turning Stone Resort, Verona NY
Tentative Schedule of Events
October 18th
8:30 am Registration for 21B & Mechanics Courses (Meadow Meeting Room)
(separate registration/fees apply)
1:00 pm NYHA Board Meeting (Willow Meeting Room) All NYHA Members Welcome!
6:00 pm Welcome & Networking Reception – The Tin Rooster
6:30 pm – Midnight Vendor Set-Up (Mohawk Room)
October 19th
8:00 am Registration & Continental Breakfast (Seneca/Onondaga/Cayuga/Tuscarora Rooms)
9:00 am Welcome & Introduction
9:10 am NYHA 73rd Annual Meeting
9:30 am Legal & Legislative Update: Mark Glaser, Esq., Greenberg Traurig
10:30 am Break with Exhibitors – Mohawk Room
11:15 am Department of Energy Update: Leslie Gooch, MHI
12:00 pm Luncheon – Mohawk Room. Invited Luncheon Speaker: NYS HCR
1:00 pm Breakout #1 - Choose One:
7 Universal Mistakes That Cost Communities and Retailers Sales: Scott Stroud
MH 101 - The Industry Basics for Newbies and the Rest of Us: Chris Nicely
Assistance Animals: Jaime Cain, Esq.
2:00 pm Break with Exhibitors – Mohawk Room
2:30 pm Breakout #2 - Choose One:
MH 101 - The Industry Basics for Newbies and the Rest of Us: Chris Nicely
Marketing to Millennials: We Need a New Message: Scott Stroud
Tenant Rent Increases: Jaime Cain, Esq.
3:30 pm Breakout #3 – Choose One:
7 Universal Mistakes That Cost Communities and Retailers Sales: Scott Stroud
MH 101 - The Industry Basics for Newbies and the Rest of Us: Chris Nicely
Criminal History: Jaime Cain, Esq.
4:30 pm Closing Remarks
October 20th
8:30 am Registration for 3-hour Continuing Education Course (Willow Meeting Room)
(separate registration/fees apply)
For more information: